Pixelization cmd C / cmd V

Theis Lorentzen

Theis Lorentzen

Ceramic Artist


Pixelization cmd C / cmd V

3D scanned, CNC milled, slip cast, hand built, spray glazed. Terracotta, coloured slip. 2023. 

Exhibitor’s text

Producing multiples of an object as a craftsperson is often time-consuming, in contrast to the digital workflow, where copying and duplicating large amounts of data can be done with a few taps on a keyboard. 

My work brings together digital and hand-crafting techniques, giving importance to the marks left by each process. Through each reproduction, detail is both lost and created. I aim to highlight the aesthetic of the mechanical and artificial, creating atmosphere and illusion.


Replicate, duplicate, disturbing, plaster mould, decay, colours, terracotta, clay, lighting, mood, repetition, atmosphere, 3D scanned, sentimental, resizing, nostalgic, artificial, animated, porcelain figurine, pixelated.